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OPINION: Democrats aren't waiting for Election Day and neither should you
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OPINION: Democrats aren't waiting for Election Day and neither should you

OPINION: Democrats aren't waiting for Election Day and neither should you

Early voting in general elections is currently taking place in 17 states, including Alaska.

We are now in the middle of election season, where voting takes place over a long and drawn out period. The old tradition of one-day in-person voting that I remember as a child is long gone. It was sacrificed due to the Covid pandemic and other, more nefarious reasons.

All states now rely heavily on mail-in ballots; Some, like Washington state, now vote exclusively by mail. Election officials argue that mailing ballots to every registered voter in Washington is necessary to ensure every vote is counted. The problem is that when voter rolls are dirty and include ineligible voters and mass ballots are sent out indiscriminately, the ballots are received by people who cannot legally cast a vote.

That's not my opinion. In 2005, a bipartisan commission led by former President Jimmy Carter and former Reagan Cabinet member James Baker III concluded that mail-in ballots were vulnerable to fraud. Unused ballot boxes used to collect these ballots can be used to introduce fraudulent votes into the system.

If you need a refresher on how to do this, check out Dinesh D'Souza's excellent documentary “2000 Mules.” It covers this form of fraud in detail and shows how Democrats cheated in the 2020 presidential election. By ignoring these warnings from D'Souza and members of both political parties, states have jumped on the mailed-out ballot bandwagon and, as a result, the public has lost confidence in our elections.

Despite problems with postal voting, the prospects for Donald Trump are good. He leads the polls in most swing states and the national popular vote. Two other positive indicators for his campaign may be even more accurate than the poll.

The first is Polymarkets, an online betting site that takes bets on the presidential election. While betting on elections is illegal in this country, Polymarkets is online and can somehow get around this restriction. On Friday, someone placed a huge $30 million bet on Polymarkets that Donald Trump would win the presidential election. No one would make such a big bet if they weren't confident that Trump would win. That must be encouraging for Republicans.

DJT stock price – image courtesy of TC2000

Second, stock trader Stanley Druckenmiller said this week that the stock market is already pricing in a Trump victory. He cited the price of DJT, the stock of the Trump Media company that owns the social media site Trump's Truth. After the Democratic National Convention, the stock trended lower as Kamala Harris' campaign gained momentum, but after her disastrous debate performance in early September, DJT stock rose like a rocket. Druckenmiller says this stock is an indicator for the Trump campaign and shows that stock buyers are optimistic about Trump's election chances.

Things are looking good for Donald Trump, but even if he wins on Election Day, the matter is still not over. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) has stated that Democrats may not vote to certify Donald Trump's election, citing the 14th Amendment as justification. That argument has already been debunked, but in an ironic twist of fate, Kamala Harris will preside over the certification of election results in the event of a January 6 election loss.

Harris and the other Democrats could try some shenanigans to keep Donald Trump out of office. If Harris loses, they may try to steal the election or damage Trump's political credibility in some way to impair his ability to govern. The election will not be over on November 5th. There will be many twists and turns from Election Day to January 20, 2025, when the next president is sworn in.

Given Democrats' threats and a dubious mail-in voting system, the process after Election Day could be chaotic, but there is one thing we can control: vote early and elect Republicans. Make sure your friends do the same. Alaskans can choose to vote early from October 21st to November 4th or on Election Day, November 5th. I recommend you record your voice as soon as possible. Democrats are no longer waiting for Election Day, and neither should you.

The views expressed here are those of Greg Sarber. Read more Sarber posts in his Seward's Folly Substack.

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