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Election Statement: Half-cent school tax renewal in Escambia County
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Election Statement: Half-cent school tax renewal in Escambia County

Escambia County voters face a decision in November that could have a significant impact on local education for years to come. As the county grapples with an aging school infrastructure, rapid growth in some areas and equity concerns in others, voters will decide whether to maintain a long-standing funding mechanism for school improvements.

What the referendum says:


Shall the Escambia County, Florida School Board continue to impose a half-cent revenue surcharge on all public schools, including eligible charter schools, based on their proportional share for a period of ten (10) years beginning January 1, 2028? Total school district enrollment to fund new construction, renovations and expansions of existing schools, land acquisition and improvements, and modernization and equipment of schools for technology?

What that means:

This referendum asks voters to extend an existing half-cent sales tax in Escambia County for another ten years, from 2028 to 2038. The tax, in effect since 1997, increases county purchases by half a cent. It currently generates about $40 million per year, up from $6.5 million to $7 million in its initial implementation. The money will be used to build new schools, renovate existing schools, purchase land, improve school grounds and upgrade technology.


Opponents argue:

  • The district has closed or consolidated 19 schools since 2002, mostly in black neighborhoods.
  • There are concerns about the equitable distribution of funds and services between different communities.
  • The expiry of the regulation is intended to reduce the tax burden on residents.
  • The school district should explore alternative funding sources or reassess its budget priorities.
  • Those who do not have children in the school system may not benefit directly from the tax.


  • Escambia County School Board
  • Many educators and parents
  • Some business leaders and education advocates

Supporters argue:

  • The tax has been an important source of funding for the maintenance and improvement of school facilities since 1997.
  • It has funded significant projects including six new schools and major renovations.
  • It provides flexibility for dealing with emergencies, such as repairing hurricane damage.
  • The tax helps the district keep up with growth, particularly in areas with overcrowding problems.
  • A citizen monitoring committee monitors expenditure and ensures the proper use of funds.
  • Quality schools are critical to economic development.

A “yes” vote would:

  • Maintain the half-cent sales tax for another 10 years (2028-2038).
  • Provide ongoing funding for the construction, renovation and modernization of schools.
  • Allow the district to continue to plan and implement long-term projects, such as addressing overcrowding in growing areas.
  • Maintain current levels of investment in school infrastructure and technology.
  • Allow the district to replace aging school buildings, some dating from the 1930s to 1950s.

A “no” vote would:

  • Allow the current half-cent sales tax for schools to expire at the end of 2027.
  • Lower the county sales tax rate by half a cent.
  • Reducing a key source of funding for school infrastructure and technology.
  • This can potentially lead to delayed maintenance, increased overcrowding and outdated facilities.
  • Require the district to find alternative sources of funding or adjust its capital improvement plans.
  • Potentially impacts the District's ability to respond quickly to emergencies or unexpected facility needs.


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