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La Niña retrasa su loslegada, ¿cómo afecta la temporada de Huracans the Atlantic?
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La Niña retrasa su loslegada, ¿cómo afecta la temporada de Huracans the Atlantic?

MIAMI.– La agitada Temporada de Huracanes que ha affected el Atlantico I had no intention of collaborating with the Llegada del Fenómeno de La Nina I'm currently looking into the weather forecast.

The modern period was at 60% regression chances just before the November finale, just before the Climate Prediction Center, just before the end of the hurricane season.

But there isn't much to keep me busy. The meteorologists are waiting to know the conditions for La Niña, they are “weaknesses” and not much, they are interpreted as good news for the Gulf and the other regions currently affected by torturous temperatures.

“I don't think I need to be serious about next November at this point,” said Matthew Rosencrans, forecaster for the National Meteorological Service's Center for Climatic Prediction

La Niña is a climatic phenomenon. The part of a global climate and climate cycle favors the formation and intensification of hurricanes in the Atlantic and reduces vertical air circulation in the Caribbean and the tropical Atlantic a formarse,” según el Centro.

NOAA Florida 8.png

Pronóstico of the Centro Nacional de Huracanes for Florida.

Pronóstico of the Centro Nacional de Huracanes for Florida.

Centro Nacional de Huracanes

La Niña, poco probably

The prospect of Lake Niña, associated with major tropical activity in the Atlantic Ocean, was already there for the finale of winter.

The pronosticadores had begun in June before the start of the Huracan season, La Niña reported “with today's fire” and reached a 77% probability for the Huracan season, which historically presented itself between August and October. After recording temperature records in the Gulf of Mexico, forecasts for 2024 have been expanded to include one of the Huracan periods with the most historic activity.

Although the possibilities that La Niña ended shortly before the end were lost, Rosencrans said that it was a life that caused more than 20 deaths and graves in the state of Florida due to the two huracanans -Helen and Milton-, de acuerdo con go reports.

Rosencrans said of the mediocre times when they joined the La Niña regime: “It is likely that this period produced 17 to 25 numbered Tormenta, including 13 Huracan and four Category 3 Huracans assigned to the National Marine and Atmospheric Authority are superior.” predijo en mayo·”, followed by publication.

Climate disastrous

This means that one last normal pastime has already brought several torments.

“In this case, it is likely that our Pronósticos are inferior to the extreme,” Rosencrans said. “Definitivamente no vamos a continar with el ritmo frenético en el que estamos”.

Explains that the reasons for the neutral conditions are not simple and there are countless factors that influence the ENSO cycle, including the climatic patrons at the large square and the meteorological conditions at the edge of the square.

It might be difficult to decide with a lot of anticipation. “It is one of the major investigative tasks: the solution is a Barrera de Primavera.”

FUENTE: With information from


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