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Bath And Body Works apologizes after Candle receives backlash
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Bath And Body Works apologizes after Candle receives backlash

The last thing Bath and Body Works needed was controversy, but that's exactly what it got after allegations surfaced online that the brand's candle label resembled Klu Klux Klan insignia. This situation is an essential reminder of a profound but often overlooked truth: intention and interpretation are not analogous.

Personal care and home fragrance retailer Bath and Body Works has released a new holiday-themed candle called “Snowed In” in preparation for the winter season. However, what was supposed to be a close-up of a snowflake depicted on the product looked more like the white hoods of the KKK to many social media users.

It's not surprising that the similarity sparked outrage in public discourse, given the worrisome nature of the white supremacist group that terrorized the black population in this country for over a century. The retailer apologized and is now taking steps to remove the product from shelves.

Despite the retailer's quick action, one wonders how such missteps happen.

Just a week ago there were allegations that Heinz Ketchup's campaign resembled minstrel blackface, for which the brand apologized. Previously, there was backlash over an Apple ad that featured playful objects and creative tools such as musical instruments and a camera that was drastically crushed by a hydraulic press to show that all of the content is now in the new iPad Pro.

There are decks full of examples where the intent of the marketing execution misses the mark woefully and doesn't align with the public's interpretations. But this is less a question of intention and more a question of interpretation. Political pollster Frank Luntz put it this way: “It doesn’t matter what you say; it depends on what people hear.”

Rather, what matters is not what you want to communicate, but what people interpret.

The act of interpretation is a complex phenomenon. The world presents itself with an endless stream of information that reaches our senses and that we try to understand in order to engage with it. We hear noises and ask ourselves, “What’s going on?” Should I be afraid or can this be ignored?” We smell and see the world around us and decide what it is and what it means – and accordingly we navigate the world accordingly.

However, this cognitive process is not neutral. Instead, it is shaped and influenced by the cultural frameworks that help us make sense of the gigabytes of data we encounter every day. That's why some, when they see a black man eating a messy burger that leaves ketchup residue reminiscent of a Joker smile, see Halloween-themed iconography, while others may see a symbolic reference to minstrel blackface.

And in the case of Bath and Body Works, some saw a snowflake, others saw white caps. And that's the challenge, because the truth is that both interpretations are correct, regardless of the marketer's intent.

When we communicate, we don't just pass on information; We perform a delicate dance of signaling and interpretation, and a misunderstanding of meaning can easily lead to a misstep on the dance floor.

As marketers, we often focus on crafting the perfect message. We agonize over the choice of words, tone and delivery. But here's the catch: No matter how carefully we craft our message, we have no control over how it is received. The audience, not the speaker, is the ultimate arbiter of meaning. Because of this, the same words can be interpreted differently by different people, or even by the same person in different contexts.

Take a simple sentence like “That’s interesting.” These two words can be interpreted as genuine curiosity, sarcasm, or rejection, depending on how they are said and who hears them. Regardless of the communicator's intention, what matters most is how it is interpreted. Just as beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, meaning lies in the mind of the performer. Understanding this principle has profound implications for how marketers approach communications, because a campaign that works well in one cultural context may fail or even be offensive in another cultural context.

The point here is not to allow yourself to be paralyzed by the fear of misinterpretation, but rather to approach communication with humility and openness. We must recognize that the meaning of a message is created jointly by the sender and receiver. It is a collaborative process that requires ongoing effort and adjustments. By shifting our focus from “what we say” to “what people hear,” we open ourselves up to more effective, empathetic, and impactful communication.

Whether in marketing, leadership, or personal relationships, this principle can lead us to more meaningful and successful interactions. Remember: At the end of the day, it's not about your intention, but about the effect your words have on others. So next time you're composing a message, take a moment to consider not only what you're saying, but also how it might be translated by people who operate on a different meaning-making system than you. This is why diversity is so incredibly important to today's economy: because you can't see what you can't see.

You know what I mean?


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