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10 questions (and answers) about the final document of the Synod on Synodality| National Catholic Registry
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10 questions (and answers) about the final document of the Synod on Synodality| National Catholic Registry

On Saturday, Pope Francis made the unprecedented decision to accept the final document of the Synodality Synod as the authoritative teaching of the Church.

The 52-page text contains a theological reflection on the nature of synodality, which it argues represents the fulfillment of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, as well as suggestions for the application of synodality to relationships, structures and processes within the Catholic Church.

The ultimate goal is to make the church more effective in evangelization by making it more participatory and inclusive.

Here you will find answers to the big questions about the Synod's final document on synodality:

1. How did Pope Francis doctrinally structure this document?

Pope Francis approved the final document immediately after synod members voted on it. According to the reforms he made in 2018, the final text of the Synod on synodality is therefore part of his ordinary magisterium.

This decision represents a break with previous practice, whereby the Pope normally uses the final document of a synod as the basis for drafting his own apostolic exhortation on the subject (think…). Amoris Laetitiaafter the Family Synod 2015). The fact that a synod body, 27% of whose members were non-bishops, has just produced a magisterial text will certainly leave theologians and canonists much to talk about.

2. How does the document relate to the Second Vatican Council?

The document states that the Synod on Synodality is the result of “implementing the teachings of the Council on the Church as Mystery and the Church as People of God.”

Therefore, the document states, the synodal process represents “an authentic further act of reception” of the Second Vatican Council, thus “reviving its prophetic power for the world today.”

3. What does the final report say about the role of women in the Church (including the so-called “deaconesses”)?

The final text states that women “continue to face obstacles” in living out their “charisms, callings and roles” in the church.

The synod calls for the inclusion of women in all roles currently permitted under canon law, including leadership positions in the church.

Regarding the question of “access of women to diaconal ministry,” the text states that the question “remains open” and that “the distinction must continue.” A separate Vatican study group is currently studying the issue. The final report is expected in June 2025.

4. What did the text say about “decentralization”?

The document calls for episcopal conferences to play a greater role in cultivating the faith in their local contexts and asks for clarification on their current level of doctrinal authority. However, it is emphasized that episcopal conferences must neither override the authority of a local bishop nor “endanger the unity or catholicity of the Church.”

The document also calls for more plenary and provincial councils and for the Vatican to adopt the conclusions of these bodies more quickly.

5. Does the text mention LGBTQ inclusion?

While the text condemns the exclusion of others based on “their marital situation, identity or sexuality,” it does not use the term “LGBTQ.”

6. What does the final document say about changes in Church decision-making?

The final document calls for a “synodal” reform of canon law, including the removal of the formula that advisory bodies have “only one advisory” vote. It calls for greater participation of lay people in “decision-making” through new synodal structures and institutions.

The document states that church authorities must not ignore the conclusions of advisory, participatory bodies.

7. What does the document say about “sensus fidei?”

The document describes the sensus fidei as an “instinct for the truth of the gospel” that one receives through baptism. It also states that the people of God cannot err “if they show general agreement on matters of faith and morals.”

Interestingly, the final document contains no additional language about the need for “authentic discipleship” to be practiced maturely sensus fidei, which was included in last year's synthesis document and can be found in an important Vatican document on the subject.

8. In what concrete ways could the Church change after the Synod towards synodality?

Depending on how it is implemented, the synod's final document could have concrete implications for everything from the selection of bishops to governance decision-making in parishes, dioceses and the Vatican, with a greater emphasis on broad consultation. New synodal bodies could also be created, such as continental assemblies and a council of Eastern Catholic leaders to advise the pope.

9. Which paragraphs received the most rejections?

Over 27% of delegates voted against continuing to explore the possibility of female deacons.

13% voted against the paragraph, which emphasizes the importance of bishops' conferences, which apparently also bind a bishop to decisions made by his conference.

12% voted against the creation of a study group to examine whether liturgical celebrations should become “more an expression of synodality,” including a reference to lay preaching during the liturgy.

And 11% of delegates rejected the proposal to revise canon law “from a synodal perspective.”

10. Again: What does synodality mean?

The final document describes synodality as “a path of spiritual renewal and structural reform that enables the Church to be more participatory and missionary, so that she can walk with every man and woman and radiate the light of Christ.”

The model of synodality, the document says, is Mary because she “listens, prays, meditates, dialogues, accompanies, examines, decides and acts”.


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